Propuestas culturales de Agenda Magenta

De 23/1/14


Propuestas culturales de Agenda Magenta

Propuestas culturales de Agenda Magenta

‘Seriously Honorable Men’ es una obra totalmente improvisada. Benjamin Nathan-Serio y Kirk Bonacci, dos actores estadounidenses, desarrollan una pieza en directo con el apoyo del público. No, no sacan a la gente al escenario, los espectadores participan en el desarrollo de la historia. De esa forma, cada espectáculo presente ideas y realidades únicas. Nadie sabe cuál va a ser el resultado, sólo se sabe que habrá muchas risas.

La obra es íntegramente EN INGLÉS.

    What do you get when you bring a New York ham and a Florida ham to Madrid?  Long form Improv like Spain’s never seen it before.

    Kirk Bonacci and Benjamin Nathan-Serio have been developing this form for the past three months. But who knows why!?  They’re just going to improvise on the night of the show, anyway!

    With the help of the audience and Ben and Kirk’s immense toolbox of acting experience a 50 minute drama will ensue.

    This is their debut performance: NOT TO BE MISSED.

    WHO is this show for?

    Anyone who speaks English, is an improv enthusiast or just wants to impress their date by bringing them to a highly cultured, alternative, underground show.

    WHAT can I expect (are you going to get me on stage and talk about my darkest secrets)?

    We work with our audiences to build the story-line of our shows, but we don’t get anyone on stage. Audience members are invited to participate.


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